

what is it about creation that brings people to their knees?

have you ever been outside, just walking to wherever, and something catches your eye that is so spectacular, so mesmerizingly wonderful that you just want to collapse and take it in? sure you have.

but we don't collapse. we keep walking, because falling to our knees would make people think we are crazy. and we're not crazy.

but we probably should be crazy. that is, we definitely are crazy. since when did the need to appear sane keep us from being that which God made us to be: absolutely nuts. for Him.

now i claim to love God. i love a lot of things about Him. first, i love that i know almost nothing about Him. second, i love that He did a little ditty here on earth (a.k.a. Jesus) and died for my sins, etc. etc. the list goes on and on. One of God's coolest accomplishments, in my humble opinion, is what you and i call "creation."

let me spin you the briefest of yarns about time itself. first, there was nothing. then, there was something. that something started to become more and more something-like with each passing second, and billions (or thousands. thats not what this discussion is about) of years later, we have the stuff that you and i see on a daily basis: trees, cats, hair, pee, skin, rocks, clouds, stars, faces, dirt, elbows, etc.

how neat is this stuff, right? my hand, for no other reason than i command it so, has just typed a complete sentence. there are SALAMANDERS in CAVES without EYES causes why on earth would they need EYES? AM I RIGHT? is this NUTS OR WHAT?

ok so we have this wonderful creation. you look at it and your heart is all, whoa omG, and then you just want to SCREAM because the same Guy that did all that also wants to have a relationship with poor pathetic you. thats a pretty big deal.

but we don't scream.

little jimmy asks, "why not?"

"they'd think we're crazy." you reply confidently.

"and who is they?" little jimmy retorts with just the faintest suggestion of an approaching grin.

"the world!" you exclaim in premature frustration, immediately seeing the trap little jimmy has just put you in, a trap you could see all along but could do nothing about because of your silly pride that forces you to defend your need to appear as not-crazy as possible!

"baha!," little jimmy declares triumphantly, "you ought not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the blah blah blah...Romans 12:2"

but little jimmy admits that he, too, is often made to feel silly for his desire to scream at the top of his lungs the wonder he beholds. after all, not conforming is a lot easier said than done, am i right? i'm so right.

so what are you going to do about it? probably nothing. but you really should consider it. are we not called to be a little bit different anyway? do you think God will be displeased at our [unabashed] recognition of the sweet, sweet world He's dropped us in? i don't. in fact, i think He might just be a little pleased.

so go, my brethren and female brethren, and let God know how excited you are about all the terrific junk He has given you to play with and enjoy. you need not drop to your knees, but when you think about it, you probably should. i mean come on, right?

thats all for today. i'm feeling good! i hope you enjoyed this little pep talk. until next time, don't eat the yellow snow!
