
a new direction

so apparently blogs are all the rage right now. everyone who is anyone has one.

here is my prob. first of all, my life isn't that interesting. second of all, its hard to keep this thing up when no one reads it.

well, those that know me know that my life is about to get into a crazy barfight. luckily, after the fight i get the girl and grow a lot as a person. in other words, my life may soon become more interesting. second, i will be establishing an agressive facebook marketing campaign. everyone will want to jump on this thang. probs solved.

also, i realized that i could always just make things up. so my blog will be part fact, part fiction, and sometimes both. we'll see how that goes.

if you'd like to jump on the train, now would be a good time. although, if we're honest, it is doubtful that it will be moving very quickly, so take your time.

peace, friends, and welcome to the new nowhere and nothing.


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